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Symptom : "Auto trip cannot run" message Upon new installation


System Settings:
1. Check if this occurred after a system/firmware update
2. Check if this occurred during post installation while attempting to turn on the radio.

1. Make sure you are receiving audio from FM/AM/XM.
2. Check if the steering wheel controls are fully functional.
3. If steps 1 & 2 apply, please proceed to perform the following.

- Go to Main Menu

- Click on "Settings"

- Locate the word "Settings" on the upper right-hand corner.

- Tap on the word "Settings" repetitively until the grey radio type selection comes up.

- Select the model type (X1, X3, & X2)

- Select the year the unit was manufactored.

- Select the month. 

- You can locate this info on the serial number of the hardware on back of the LCD screen.

- *i.e (X3-USIX12080003) The year would be 2012/First 2 numbers

- *i.e (X3-USIX12080003) The month would be 08(August);next 2 numers.

- Once you have selected the year and month, you will not have to select the "Type"

- Select the vehicle type.

- Enter in the last four numbers of the serial number, press enter. Once you have all the information correct, it will show the serial number on top of the screen with a "Success" logo under.

- Press "Reset".

- Once the unit has completed resetting, you should now be showing text/info display while on "Radio" mode.